Well, I'm afraid to say this was two thumbs down in my book and maybe two sideways thumbs from Jeff so I'm not going to type the whole thing out this time. It was sort of a lot of work on the scale I use, which is basically comparing the easiness level to the level of Kraft mac and cheese. Picture me chopping, stirring, mixing, boiling, brushing, spooning, reducing, basically running around the kitchen like a crazy woman all while trying not to spill on my recipe book or the floor, or generally anywhere because, hey, let's face it, I like it clean. Finally I finish the stinking meal, take a bite, and...well....not that great. The yams never got quite soft and smooth enough. It probably needed more cheese, more spices, more seasoning, more something. And the wonton wrappers? They were sort of slimy. Ewww. Not a good flavor/texture combo for Ter Ter. Oh well, though. That page is no longer dog eared in my recipe book and now we know what we think of it. On with the resolution!
This week: spring rolls and miso soup!
I'd love to see pictures of your version of each meal!